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Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Let's DITCH it!

Let's DITCH it - with English vocabulary lesson

You probably know that the word "ditch" as a noun means a place usually by the side of the road where excess water can flow. [His car ran off the road and ended up in the ditch.] However, do you know what it means when people tell you to ditch a place or ditch your phone?

To read more about the verb to ditch and see some examples on how to use it correctly, check out my vocabulary lesson at the small guide site. See you there!

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Making the rent

Hi folks!

How well do you understand phrases such as MAKE RENT, MAKE IT TO THE FINALS, or MAKE THE TOP 10 LIST? This usage of the verb MAKE is quite common among native speakers. However, English learners may still struggle with comprehending or using it correctly.

If this is you, then check out my lesson at the small guide site. Learn the different ways we use MAKE to mean reach a destination or a goal, and begin to use it in your own speaking and writing.

I hope you MAKE IT TO the small guide site, so you can learn, practice, and continue to improve your English. Let me know if you have any questions.

Take care,
Joe, the small guide

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Using the phrasal verb WORN OUT

You probably know that English speakers use phrasal verbs all the time, and so it's no surprise that we see and hear them everywhere, including in advertisements. Here's a subway ad with the phrasal verb WEAR OUT/WORN OUT. On this ad, the phrasal verb is used in the passive voice--Made to be WORN OUT (by us/by everyone).

In addition to its use as a verb, WORN OUT is also used as an adjective to describe clothes that we've been using and that are showing some wear & tear. We also use this phrasal verb to talk about exhaustion. When you are very tired, you can say, I'm so WORN OUT. I need to take a break.

  • WEAR and TEAR - showing signs of multiple use

Check out this lesson at #thesmallguidesite to learn more about how to use WORN OUT. Also, look at some examples, and practice!

See you there!
Joe, the small guide